SIS SILverstone- ISA Bluebonnet Section May Meeting

May 23, 2023

This month, SIS SILverstone, will be presenting a one-hour educational seminar on Alarm Management. 

Implementing an efficient alarm system is not an easy task. In this webinar we will review the alarm management lifecycle as proposed by the ISA 18.2 standard with focus on the alarm rationalization and its pitfalls.

Host: Monica Hochleitner, Sr. Safety Consultant- SIS SILverstone

Monica has over 30 years of experience in process automation, control, and functional safety and alarm management for the petrochemical, chemical, and onshore/offshore oil & gas industries- domestic and abroad. She is a Certified Functional Safety Expert and a TÜV certified Functional Safety Engineer. She is a senior member at the International Society of Automation (ISA) and member of ISA 84.00.01 and ISA 18.2 committees.

Meeting Details:

ISA Bluebonnet Section May Meeting

Fri, May 26, 2023 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (CDT)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)

United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679- One-touch: tel:+18668994679,,203236141#

United States: +1 (571) 317-3116- One-touch: tel:+15713173116,,203236141#

Access Code: 203-236-141

We will send out a certificate for Professional Development Hours upon request.