Keystone provided project management, engineering, and design services for the Lake Boeuf Grand Coteau Facility design to support the addition of two new wells and working over an existing well. The new wells required a full facility to produce, separate, store, and sell the oil and gas production.
The scope of work for the newfacility design included well flowline rated for SITP of the existing well(<10,000 psig), well flowline rated for SITP of the new wells (<15,000psig), line heater with line heater fuelgas scrubber, slug catcher, HP and LP separator, fuel gas/instrument gasscrubber, oil heater treater, glycol dehydration package, amine unit for CO2removal, dewpoint control unit, oil storage tanks, three-500 BBL water storagetanks, one spare storage (slop) tank, tank recirculation/offloading pump skid,HP flare scrubber and pump, LP and HP flare, and LP flare liquid blowcase.