Solar Turbine Compressor Station Upgrade



Cameron Parish, LA

Nameplate Capacity


Project to upgrade and increase compression at a compressor station in Cameron Parish, LA to satisfy new commercial agreements to increase natural gas delivery quantity and pressure to an existing customer. The compressor station has been bypassed since being damaged by a recent hurricane. The upgrade demolished the existing equipment and piping from the station and installed the new equipment. The upgrade is to install a Solar Titan 130 Turbine Compressor and supporting processing/measurement equipment to handle the 500 MMSCFD of pipeline quality natural gas. The project installed the Titan 130 and ancillary equipment on a reengineered and improved existing elevated deck. The Titan 130 was housed in a customized prefabricated metal building. Other facility critical equipment was installed on engineered structures above flood plain elevation. The new compressor increased pipeline flow to 500 MMSCFD for a delivery pressure of 900 PSI. The project also installed a pipeline manifold to bypass the station and reverse pipeline flow in case of customer facility shutdown.

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